Bijdrage voor een Engelstalige site, van bomen-volgers. Het idee erachter is om 12 maanden lang 1 boom te volgen. Wij hebben de grote wilg in de achtertuin gekozen.
Our willow is yellow at the moment. Full in bloom with tens of thousands of catkins. A visual spectacle. Last Sunday, May 1st, finally we had some sun. The whole afternoon we heard hammering sounds coming from the willow. For minutes at a time, I stood under the willow, looking upwards, to see where the sound originated. Every now and then I looked at the hole where a woodpecker couple nested last year. Suddenly I saw a woodpecker INSIDE THE NESTHOLE, removing a load of saw dust from the nest. He was busy with house maintenance!

tree following 1
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tree following 5
Yes, there the woodpecker is, peeking out from the hole in the tree. Cool!
How lucky to have a woodpecker nesting nearby! Hope it goes well.
That’s wonderful! I wonder what species of woodpecker you have there?
The catkins are so pretty, too.
And I love the way that in Dutch we are all “bomen-volgers”!
Best wishes 🙂